Glitter Art on Paper

Paromita Pramanick

There are a number of innovative artwork that surrounds us throughout our life which we usually either do for our own artistic pleasure or we do it to teach our next generation (our kids). One such elementary Artwork on paper for kids is the Glitter Art.

Glitter Artwork on paper for kids is one of the most primary and essential creativity that preschoolers bring about to engage students amongst all the other prodigious activities. We usually settle on making some easy DIY Glitter Art with either glitter dust or tube and hang those shining artwork of the children on the walls in their classroom. This would help children to recognise their own talent and how they were able to put their focus while doing the artwork. We typically use a sheet of art paper or a thick chart paper or even an A4 sheet paper would be enough to catch the glitter and give a mesmeric sparkling figure.

Paromita Pramanick

You don't have to use any kind of acrylic or poster paints for the glitter art. The glitter art is carried out with three main materials - glitter, pencil, and paper. We normally use the glitter that comes in tubes, which is safer for the preschool children. However, we also use the dust glitter for which we need glue to stick, and this dust glitter work would be captivating for the upper-grade children who can be even cautious regarding the dust particles of the glitter.

This glitter art was carried out on the auspicious occasion of 'Ganesh Chaturthi', dedicating to the Lord who is believed to remove obstacles, barriers bless everyone with joy, knowledge, and wisdom. This occasion is mainly celebrated to welcome the season of festivals. Hence bringing in the art to welcome the Lord by making his figure on the paper sprinkled with glitters. Find the full video of the Glitter Art on my YouTube channel --

Tips: You can use Glitter Tube which is an easier process with ready made glued glitter in the tube and quickly gets stick as compared to the glitter dust.

Materials Required:
  1. Glitter (either dust or tube)
  2. Glue
  3. Pencil
  4. Art Paper
  1. Start drawing the desired figure on the paper using a pencil.
  2. Complete the figure.
  3. Apply glue on the required portions.
  4. Put glitter dust on the glued portion and leave it to dry for two minutes.
  5. Dust the unwanted glitter from the remaining portion.
  6. This is how it would look after sticking the glitter on the paper.
  7. Now apply glue on the remaining portion.
  8. Put any different coloured glitter on that glued portion only.
  9. Leave it to dry again say for two minutes and dust the glitter particles.
  10. You can also use tube glitter to fill the remaining portions.
This is how the Glitter Artwork would look like on the figure. This is one of the most simple artworks for children, as they would love the sparkling colours while doing the activity. Get along with your child for the Glitter art activity in your leisure time and it will surely help you to bring out some of the creative talents of your child. After doing this activity you can frame the artwork forever and hang it on the walls of your child's room.

Paromita Pramanick

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