English Quotes

Paromita Pramanick
Once Heart asked Ego,
"Why do people give you so much importance,
when I have so much of Love within me." ❤
Ego replied,
"If people would only have Love in their Heart, then I 
would've never be born and occupied you from everywhere."😈
Who wins Ego or Love?
Heart says,
"As always it's only Ego everywhere,
but I will never give up on my Love"💝

This moment,
and a few moments more;
At this horizon,
where memories explore;
Ecstasty of joy,
believing the magical cure;
Living with nature,
nothing else need for sure.

Nothing stops you,
Until you stop trying!!

Paromita Pramanick
Give your love to the woman you love in your life.
And she will, in turn, give you double the love you give her.

"Death is inevitable;
But when it comes,
It is pure and honest;
This is the only time when
You meet your true soul."

Paromita Pramanick
No one can make you Happy!
Happiness starts with you;
It is within you!!

Paromita Pramanick
Love her for a cause,
Not because...
Not because she loves you,
But because your love is the cause for her happiness.

Paromita Pramanick
Where there's Love in the Heart!
The Heart is always Pure!!

Paromita Pramanick
You are wrong in all the aspects of your Life;
You have failed in your Life;
You are a failure;
Fail again and again;
Till you are alive;
Failing makes you fall down,
But every time you fall,
you will learn to raise in your Life;
Fall again and again,
To raise again in your Life!!

Paromita Pramanick
Purity is in the Heart, not in Mind!!
A Smile is Deceptive; the Truth is in the Eyes!

Paromita Pramanick
Marriages are important for a disciplined Life and a stable Society.

Paromita Pramanick
You can get out of every trouble and evil sights;
Only when you Love and respect your Parents.

Paromita Pramanick
The purity and honesty of a joyful mind
gives a new desire to a withering 

Paromita Pramanick
A life without love is like a body without a heart
and a temple without 

Paromita Pramanick
The purity and sanctity of a divine heart
shall earn a new beginning of a 
life that is fading away.

Paromita Pramanick
Effort means more than any Result!!
Try something new everyday and do not think about the outcome.

Paromita Pramanick ©2017. All Rights Reserved.

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