The Peacock and the Crane

Paromita Pramanick
The Peacock and the Crane

(The Peacock and the Crane is one of the famous Aesop’s Fables. A “fable” is known for the short stories, typically with animals as characters, telling a moral or lesson. However, this story ‘The Peacock and the Crane’  is an elongated story as compared to its real version of the fable, this is because for the better understanding of the children. This will help them to know more words, improve vocabulary and listening skills. Basically, this extended version of the story is for the children ageing between 4 to 6 years when storytelling is considered as cognitive skills and language development).

Once upon a time, there was a Peacock and a Crane, who lived in a jungle. Since they lived in the same place, they were good friends for quite a long time. They never fought with each other and they would sometimes barely talk to each other.

The Peacock would everyday walk to the banks of a river in the jungle. He would look on the river where his reflection would fall and often praise for his own beauty. He would boast about his beautiful feathers and say to himself, “Oh! What a beautiful bird I am! Look at my colorful tail”.

The Peacock felt majestic for its beautiful feathers and he would always feel pride to show up his feathers. He would always look at his feathers and admire it. He was very proud of his beauty.

Just then the Crane was passing from the banks of the river. The Peacock came across the crane and started mocking him by saying that the crane is so ugly, his tails are so colorless, whereas the peacock’s tails are gorgeous and look very beautiful like the rainbow.

The Peacock puffed up with vanity, boasted and spread his gorgeous tail in the sun and ridiculed the ashen hue of the crane’s plumage. The Peacock and the Crane began to talk and started having arguments.

Paromita Pramanick
The Peacock sneered and said, “Look at my beautiful tail, what have you got to compare with this? I am dressed in all the glory of the rainbow. I am draped like a king, in gold and purple. My feathers have fine colors and they shine in all the colors under the sun. What a colorless bird you are! You have no beautiful and colorful feathers like mine. I feel so sorry for you, for you have so dull and pale feathers, and your feathers are grey as the dust!”

The Crane agreed and instantly replied that his feathers are not beautiful as the peacock, but it helps him to fly up high above the ground from where he can see the beauty of nature from the sky whereas the peacock can’t do this.

Paromita Pramanick
The Crane answered, “Well that’s true, of course, I don’t have beautiful feathers, your looks are brighter than mine, but I can fly high up into the sky, all you can do is to gait about on the ground. I soar to the heights of heaven and lift up my voice to the universe, while you walk on earth, like a cock, among the birds of the dunghill. I can fly high above, among the clouds and the stars and I can see all the beauty of the earth in all its glory, while you live down here just like any other animals. My feathers can make me fly across the lake. Can your feathers make you fly?"

There was no reply from the peacock. 

The Crane spread his broad wings and flew up towards the sun, saying, "Follow me if you can!"

But the Peacock stood where he was like any other hefty animals of the barnyard, while the Crane rapidly glided in freedom far up across the clouds into the blue sky.

Paromita Pramanick ©2017. All Rights Reserved.

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