
Paromita Pramanick

Children's story: Playground

Paromita Pramanick
This is Meetu and Geetu's school playground, they both study in the same class and are very close friends. All types of tree-plantations have been planted in and around the school, which makes a cool environment prevailing around the school and when the children play in the playground, they find the shades of plants and trees, and they are survived from the heat of the hot sun. It is a big playground in the school of Geetu and Meetu. All schools have a similar kind of a playground, however, the playground of Meetu and Geetu's school is very beautiful and fascinating, children enjoy to a great extent and have pleasure in playing in the playground. They are very lucky to have so wonderful playground in their school.

The school authorities have made many types of play materials in the playground, such as hammocks, slopes, carousels, runways, etc. All children play in the playground, they do not even fight and enjoy their sports together every time when they play in the playground.

Paromita Pramanick
The children sometimes are swinging on the swings and then slipping on the slides. They also play police and thieves, hide and seek. There are a lot of other games that they play in the playground. Everyone loves to play games and they just love playing too much without even getting tired.

Paromita Pramanick
It is very important for the children to play from time to time, for their mental and physical development. It is extremely necessary for children to play regularly from their childhood. The guidance of parents and teachers are also important during the games and play time.

This is the snacks time break in Meetu and Geetu's school, so all children have come out of their classrooms and are playing in the playground. Meetu and Geetu also finished their snacks and have come to the playground with their other companions. All children have finished their meal and are ready to play.

Paromita Pramanick
Meetu is jumping with the Skipping rope and Geetu is waiting for her turn. When Meetu will finish jumping up to twenty counts, it will be Geetu's turn then, she will also climb up to twenty times with the skipping rope. Some children play with the skipping rope and some children do not. Jumping on a skipping rope is a good game. The children who want to play the Skipping rope game are also waiting for their turn.

Paromita Pramanick
The snacks time in the school is given for half an hour every day, in which little time the children take to have their meal and the rest of the time which is left, they put on a fun game in the playground. When the bell rings again, it's time to go back to their classroom, all children stop playing and will go back to their classrooms. Geetu and Meetu also return to their class and pay attention to their studies.

It is very important to have a playground in every school because it encourages children to come to school every day. Playing games again increase concentration in studies in a child and they can pay more attention to their work as well. Meetu and Geetu also like to go to their school every day, they eagerly wait for the snacks time bell because they love playing in the playground.

Moral: Playing is important for a healthy mind and body.

Author: Paromita P

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